NFL Fridays at Pandora

New NFL Pandora charms are at Pandora in West Town Mall, so Pandora associates left the black and white behind. NFL jersey’s and T-Shirts were donned until the end of September.


Marie, Grace, and myself.

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Kelli, Marie, and myself on Football Friday

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Marie and myself supporting our favorite NFL teams

It was such a blast getting to support our favorite NFL Teams. Come see me at Pandora in West Town Mall to get your NFL inspired bracelet started!


Pandora Fall Lauch Party

I got to use one of my favorite skills again, Event Planning.

At Pandora in West Town Mall, I was tasked with the organization of the Fall Launch Party. A Pandora funded event, I had a great budget and resources at my fingertips.

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Guests were greeted by DJ Real Deal‘s musical stylings. Also a choice of blush or white wine to accompany fresh fruit and cheese platters from Publix.10609124_10152661257466285_1525778949_n 10638084_10152661257506285_624666091_n 10589697_10152661257481285_1545100551_n

At the back of the store there was a Step-and-Repeat, making for an ideal photo opportunity for our customers. A licensed physical therapists was on hand to give a luxurious hand message. Customers were also given Pandora Swag Bags to take home with them.


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It was such a pleasure planning another Pandora event. Needless to say, I can’t wait for the next one!


Posing with my fabulous co-worker, Marie, in front of the Step-and-Repeat.