It’s a Disney World After All


Disney charms have arrived at PANDORA and in true PANDORA style we threw a party. Last Saturday, PANDORA in West Town Mall hosted an event celebrating the new collaboration.

I was tasked with planning the event and it definitely was not an easy one. With many guidelines and minimal budget, it was a challenge I was ready for.



Color theme was black and white, but I added a little red in honor of Minnie Mouse. One of our associates made Mickey Mouse inspired cupcakes, Hershey Kisses, punch, and charm raffles.


With Disney themed music in the air, free food, and charm giveaways, who wouldn’t love to plan a party like that. I am so blessed to have a job that allows me to put my event planning skills into use.

Come and see me to get your PANDORA Disney charm collection started today!

NFL Fridays at Pandora

New NFL Pandora charms are at Pandora in West Town Mall, so Pandora associates left the black and white behind. NFL jersey’s and T-Shirts were donned until the end of September.


Marie, Grace, and myself.

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Kelli, Marie, and myself on Football Friday

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Marie and myself supporting our favorite NFL teams

It was such a blast getting to support our favorite NFL Teams. Come see me at Pandora in West Town Mall to get your NFL inspired bracelet started!


Pandora Fall Lauch Party

I got to use one of my favorite skills again, Event Planning.

At Pandora in West Town Mall, I was tasked with the organization of the Fall Launch Party. A Pandora funded event, I had a great budget and resources at my fingertips.

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Guests were greeted by DJ Real Deal‘s musical stylings. Also a choice of blush or white wine to accompany fresh fruit and cheese platters from Publix.10609124_10152661257466285_1525778949_n 10638084_10152661257506285_624666091_n 10589697_10152661257481285_1545100551_n

At the back of the store there was a Step-and-Repeat, making for an ideal photo opportunity for our customers. A licensed physical therapists was on hand to give a luxurious hand message. Customers were also given Pandora Swag Bags to take home with them.


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It was such a pleasure planning another Pandora event. Needless to say, I can’t wait for the next one!


Posing with my fabulous co-worker, Marie, in front of the Step-and-Repeat.

One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For WOMAN Kind

What does a ninja, the number 5 and 100, and a female all have in common?

Kacy Catanzaro.


She may not look like much, but all 5 ft and 100 lbs. of Kacy Catanzaro is inspiring women everywhere.

A few weeks ago history was made, Kacy Catanzaro was the first female to ever completed an American Ninja Warrior city qualifying course. And then again last night, rewrote the history books again and was the first woman to ever complete the city finals course. This former college gymnast will be competing in national finals course of Mount Midoriyamo.


Growing up an athlete I was always encouraged to push myself to the limit and challenge myself everyday to be better than the girl next to me. I was not encouraged to try to compete with the boys. Boys were just “better athletes”. Being the competitive person I am, this infuriated me.

With American Ninja Warrior, all athletes are on an even playing field. Held as equals, athletes are given the chance to run the daunting obstacle course on TV.

Seeing a female athlete excel all expectations of our gender is so up-lifting. She has the American Ninja Warrior fans (including me) uplifted and memorized by the heights she has overcome. I am truly inspired to not let being a female hold me back from anything I set my mind to.

I can’t wait to see what Kacy has in store for Mount Midoriyama. Go get ’em Kacy!


For the play-by-play, visit this great Buzzfeed article.


World Cup and the Brands who are #Winning

Now that the US Men’s Soccer Team has advanced through the “Group Of Death” to the Round of 16, it is a good time to stop and appreciate the brands who have capitalized on the World Cup.

First is a commercial by FIFA promoting their video game. It depicts Landon Donovan poking fun at his misfortune of not making the USA Team in the final weeks prior to the Cup.

Next is a commercial by Budweiser. How could I do a post about sports commercial and not have of them be about Budweiser? Their commercial asks us to forget our differences and “Rise As One”.

Then there’s KIA with a set of commercials starring supermodel, Adriana Lima. Adriana is on a mission to teach you about “futbol” and she is persuasive…

Finally, Hyundai’s World Cup inspired commercial dares to assume that becasue of Futbol the next generation will be affected with a “boom”. #BecauseFutbol

To all of these brands and the many more I could not include, I thank you. Thank you for entertaining us before, during (halftime that is), and after the games with these top notch campaigns.



Well folks, it is that time again. The FIFA World Cup is number one on everyone’s minds. Whether you are a soccer fan or not, that doesn’t matter. What matters is national pride.

It is just like in the Olympics, I may not care anything about a sport for the other 3 and a half years, but when that star spangled banner starts flying, I’m cheering for the USA!

Courtesy of Google Images

Courtesy of Google Images

Same goes for the World Cup, I am admittedly not a soccer fanatic, but you can bet I am cheering these guys on. All my news feeds are flooded with war cries and chants.

If you haven’t jumped on the banwagon, it’s not too late. The United States Mens Soccer Team just won a major game against their rivals from Ghana (who put them out the last 2 World Cups). Using the hashtags #IBelieveThatWeWillWin and #OneTeamOneNation, you can show your national pride and be a soccer fan, if just for this one month every 4 years.

I may have already tweeted this, but it still gives me chills. You don’t have to be a soccer fan, but you should be a fan of your country.


Why SYTYCD Is An Ex-Dancer’s Dream

A show dedicated to showing America all aspects of dance, So You Think You Can Dance over the past decade has challenged every current and former dancing to wonder ” Can or could you really dance?” This show has given light to the little known struggles of dancers and choreographers. Without this show, the hundereds of contestants wouldn’t have had the extraordinary platform to televise their talents.

Just like every live episode of SYTYCD, I had to start this post with an opening number.


For those who didn’t make it through grade school recitals, the audition aspect of SYTYCD shows the side of dance not usually seen. Dancer are given their chance for a solo audition infront of SYTYCD judges and guest judges. After they perform they either get an automatic advance to the next round by getting a plane ticket, voted to dance again in the choreography round, or sent home with a no.

SYTYCD Audition Courtesy of Google Images

SYTYCD Audition
Courtesy of Google Images

Exploring different styles of dance.

After all the auditions, the dancers are cut down to the Top 20 dancers, The 10 female and 10 male remaining dancers are then paired up to dance a new routine(s) every week. The great part about SYTYCD is that every week is different. The dancers are paired up with new choreographers every week to showcase a different style of dance.


The SYTYCD performances are not only different every week, but never cease to amaze. It took me hours of thumbing through videos for the few I put in this blog.

SYTYCD Season 10 Group Performance Courtesy of Google Images

SYTYCD Season 10 Group Performance
Courtesy of Google Images

From the group dances to the partner performances and even the solo “life-saving” performances, not a single minute of this show is a waste of time. A good portion have been nominated for Emmys. Contestant turned professional choreographer, Travis Wall, has been nominated several times for the work he has done on SYTYCD. If you haven’t at least seen one of them, please stop reading now and google them. <—(I helped you out a little) Now that you have picked your jaw off the floor from the shear awesomeness, there’s one more thing SYTYCD brings to ex-dancers…


Besides the art of dance and pushing yourself to the limit, most dancers love competition. At the end of the show 1 male and 1 female contestant are crowned SYTYCD champions. After the winners are announced we are left the MANY awe-inspriing performances on Youtube you can watch as much as your heart desires. I know I do.

What’s your favorite?

Get Branded

As a Public Relations major, the biggest thing that was drilled into our heads was to brand yourself. Now a days your personal brand can make or break you. It is not only your social media activity anymore, it is the brand you portray everyday.

Mary Beth West Communications has come up with an interactive quiz that figures out your brand.  With just a few questions the module compares your brand qualities to those of major brands.

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I got Starbucks. I knew there was a reason I was so obsessed with this brand. Just like Starbucks, my brand is all about the emotional experience. I love to surprise and delight people by making their lives just a little bit better, little more fun, a little more unique. In a group setting, I am fully engaged. Whether it’s a quick coffee break or dinner, it’s all about making every moment count.

What’s your brand? Click the picture above or below to find out

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