Get Branded

As a Public Relations major, the biggest thing that was drilled into our heads was to brand yourself. Now a days your personal brand can make or break you. It is not only your social media activity anymore, it is the brand you portray everyday.

Mary Beth West Communications has come up with an interactive quiz that figures out your brand.  With just a few questions the module compares your brand qualities to those of major brands.

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I got Starbucks. I knew there was a reason I was so obsessed with this brand. Just like Starbucks, my brand is all about the emotional experience. I love to surprise and delight people by making their lives just a little bit better, little more fun, a little more unique. In a group setting, I am fully engaged. Whether it’s a quick coffee break or dinner, it’s all about making every moment count.

What’s your brand? Click the picture above or below to find out

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Social World

For those of you still not on the social media bandwagon, here’s a an awesome video that’ll change your mind.

This is why I’m a PR major. Social media is an ever growing and changing field that I love to try and keep up with every day. I hope the video gives you all the reasons you need to join the Social World. You won’t regret it.

Reflection on ROI

After Mark Schaefer came into my Adv490 class and discussed his book Tao of Twitter, one of our next assignments was reading his other book Return on Influence. I had also thought of ROI as Return on Investment, but Mark put a great spin to the concept.


The first half of the book discussed the roots of influence. He starts by discussing the beginning of Klout, he gives examples of different individuals’ experinces with Klout. I have become slightly addicted to Klout. I see who my top influencers are and I want to beat their score. It definitely has made me competitive about improving my Klout score. Just like Mark has mention in both of his books, content is key. In order to be a good social media influencer, you have to generate content that will move. I have challenged myself to become a citizen influencer.

According to ROI, the social media platform has the potential to bring true celebrity status and all the associated perks to anyone who is willing to work for it. Any body has the chance to experience life on the other side of the velvet rope. I want to reach the status of Calvin Lee, who Mark used as an example of a citizen influencer. Due to his Twitter usage, companies frequently send him perks, including VIP passes, test drives, and party invites. It is so amazing how the advertising world has shifted. it started with the companies in power, now it is the citizen influencers with the power. Companies are just along for the ride.Companies are now challenged to find those people who influence their brand followers the most.

images-1Now that Klout has become a major part of our field and lives, professionals are now struggling every day to keep their score up. I can already tell this is going to be my problem as with those professionals. In the book he gave examples of how professionals actually considered missing out on vacations to remain relevant. I don’t think i will have that problem. Now that this rift has been discovered, a new social caste system has been adopted. Those with the scores in the 70’s being the elite, it is hard to imagine i will ever be there. But professionals are actually super competitive of how high their score is. I can’t wait to see how far this new caste system will go in the future.

PSL Lovers of the World Unite

One thing most of the civilized world knows about is what “PSL” means. It is Stabucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte. Only available for a limited time during the Fall, the PSL movement is nothing to be messed with.


Funny, but true. Since the people at Starbucks have seen the power of the PSL, this August they capitalized on it. For the first time ever Starbucks had a beverage-branded Facebook game. This game had users compete to bring the PSL to their cities a week before the drink’s release date. PSL fans earned points for city shout-outs, solving daily challenge or making a daily creation.

The contest ran from August 22 to 26, with the winning cities releasing the PSL on the August 30. The lucky winner was …..

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Starbucks is such a great example of the right way to use Social Media to promote a product. Not only did they run this contest, but they continued to promote the PSL on after the contest was over. pumpkin-spice-latte-history

  • They continued to use the has tag #PSL
  • All of their Instagram photo’s had something to do with pumpkins and fall.
  • All of the store decorations were covered with pumpkins, leaves and PSL’s

Even the coffee cup sleeves were branded flawlessly! Starbucks is definitely a brand I follow for the correct way to fun a PR campaign. Not only did they make an interactive game that was successful, but they continued to use that success to their advantage.


Since i am such a Starbucks fan (and Gold Card member i might add), i have to be honest, i am not a PSL fan. I don’t like pumpkin! Pause for dramatic effect….

But i love the color orange (obviously) and everything to do with Fall, except Pumpkin in my food/coffee/whatever.

I may not love PSL’s but I love Starbucks. I am a 100% believer in their products and overall marketing style.

I can’t wait to see what they come up with next year. #PSL

Sports in Social Media

Social media never ceases to surprise me with its reach. Now more then ever i have notice how influential social media is in sports. Social media is where sports fans are finding sports highlights or bloopers, news, or a place to share opinions.

Since sports fans are flocking to social media, more and more, PR and Advertisers are scrambling to take advantage it. Catalyst PR, a new part of IMG, is the most recent to try and figure out where sports fans hangout online and how they can be reached most effectively. The results of Catalyst’s survey provide some interesting food for thought.

Catalyst’s fourth annual fan engagement study surveyed 2,100 sports fans between the ages of 16 and 64. That group encompasses fans of the NFL, MLB, NBA, college football, college basketball and soccer.

Here are a few of Catalyst’s most interesting findings:

  • Respondents use Facebook more then Twitter, except on game days.
  • Google+ and YouTube are on the rise among fans.  These two platforms showed the most year-over-year growth.
  • Seven out of 10 sports fans who Like or follow a brand online say they’re open to sharing brand content, buying goods or engaging with social posts.

This kind of information is crucial for marketing to sports fans. I know personally I use social media for most of my sports news.

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My favorite right now is @vol_football on Instagram, has the best behind the scenes pictures!

If you’re a Vol Fan, they are the best to follow.

If you aren’t a UT fan, i won’t hold it against you, but i would recommend finding an account to follow that have pictures that would interest you.

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Whether that is the Athletic program itself or an outside source.

Beat writers are especially good to follow. They have a wide variety they cover which means a lot of different kinds of pictures.

Happy exploring the evolving world of sports in social media!

Tao of Twitter

In my Social Media 490 class, we were assigned to read ROI: Return On Influence and  The Tao of Twitter. Both of these books are authored by Mark Schaefer.

Mark is a Social Media Guru, college professor, author, speaker, and consultant. If you haven’t read either of these books or his blog {grow}, you need to get on it. Since I was introduced to his works, my mind has been open to a whole new world of social media.


However I feel it is important to point out that I am no social media rookie. I am the proud owner of a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube among other social media platforms.

Even though I have all of these platforms, I had no idea how to use it properly. I was using all my social media sites for minimal day-to-day interactions; while I should be using a few like, Twitter, to help me for the future.

One of the takeaways for me was how Mark goes into setting up your Twitter. He talks about keeping your profiles unlocked. This allows for more connections to be made.

“Follow” your friends but then also follow bigger influencers in your field. They give you helpful links and could be a potential business connection. He gave personal examples of this and I loved it!

He also encourages you to build up “your tribe” by following people back. That is until you can afford to “unfollow” those who won’t be a helpful connection. As you can see I have adopted these practices.

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I have unlocked my profile and started following back my current followers and connecting with industry professionals. I have also linked my profile to my blog.

Twitter has definitely gotten more interesting. I can’t wait to see what my growing “tribe” will have in store for me. Through my readings of The Tao of Twitter, I have seen through Mark’s and his tribe’s experiences, how powerful it is. It has been a long time since I have read a book this fast. It was so interesting and i can’t wait to see if I’m blessed with the tao of twitter like them.

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As if I wasn’t already super pumped about my epiphany of Twitter and its power, Mark lives in Knoxville!

My Social Media 490 class had the pleasure of hosting Mark as a guest lecturer Thursday.

He gave us a sneak peek into the theories of his new book. Even told Dr. Childers to “Twitter down” on multiple occasions to make sure she wasn’t tweeting his secrets.

One of his points I was most interested in was that “content is power”. He went into how much power you have with the ability to create content that will move essentially. Whether that is your blog link being retweeted on Twitter or industry professionals quoting your blog. Truthfully, I have been struggling with what to put on my blog. What should I write about? And who cares enough to read it?

Mark said that for a beginner blogger, you should write what you are passionate about. He actually used me as an example. He turned my love of sports into my love of Bass Fishing, which I have never done in my life (haha). He said if you were interested in Bass Fishing to be that person that Bass Fishing pros and Bass Pro for example would want to follow.

I don’t know what my blog is going to be about in the future, but I am going to use this semester as a test run. I hope that this requirement turns into a passion and according to Mark my future career depends on it. This blog post of his I found particularly helpful: The truth behind why my blog sucked for two years